Wet about an inch or so of the tying thread nearest the hook with Zap-A-Gap and wrap the wet thread on top of the existing tail windings to lock everything into place.
Step 1
Because the fly is so small, it's a great lure to use on ultra-light tackle. I love to fish it with my 3wt rod.
Fathead Diver - NaturalThe Fathead Diver is one of the flies in the Jack Ellis Fathead Series.
Angling TipsJack's method for fishing the Fathead Diver is to cast it into the weeds and then dart it out into open water. Small bass and big bluegills that patrol the weeds looking for an easy meal will inhale the fly if you use this tactic.
Step 22
Step 9
This is how the fly should look after the belly has been trimmed properly.
Weedguard Mason Hard Mono 8# (.012 dia.)
Clip a bunch of deer hair from the hide that's about the thickness of a soda straw, comb out the underfur, and even the tips in a hair stacker. Trim the butts of the deer hair so that the bunch is at least an inch long.
Trim the tip of the weedguard flush with the front of the hook's eye.
Step 10
Step 2
Cut a one inch square piece of plastic bag and poke a hole in the center of it with the point of your scissors. Note: fly tying materials bags work best for this.
Move the thread forward in preparation for spinning the next bundle of deer hair.
The Fathead Minnow and its cousins; the Fathead Shad, the Fathead Frog, and the Fathead Diver - Black, are only about one and one-quarter inches long.
Step 6
Step 13
Skirt Deer Body Hair Tips Natural
There are three things to remember when you're tying these flies.
Materials ListHook Mustad 3366 Size 8
Step 18
Spin the bundle of deer hair. Pull the thread through the hair and take a couple of wraps of thread plus a half-hitch at the base of the hair.
With your curved scissors, start just above the hook's eye to rough out the head of the fly. Leave deer hair for the collar as you do this. You will do the final trim with a razor blade.
Tail Marabou Blood Feather Brown over Red