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  Where am I? How did I arrive?

  Today, I scored a great victory.

  但是在文字上,这完全就是打印机打印的汉字。虽然说汉代末年正楷是盛行的,但也不能这样。好几个地方还有标点符号(古汉语是没有标点的,靠之乎者也断句) 文言文有部分地方感觉还是有点强行翻译或者现代思维的痕迹。

  I must carry on alone.

  Surprise can be a warrior's most powerful weapon, and I wielded it effectively. My first arrow found the lizard's throat, and many more pierced the man's back once he tumbled from the saddle. He never saw his vanquisher.


  In hindsight, I should have spared the beast. A mount would be welcome.

  Defending my hometown during the uprising taught me more in months than I learned in all the years before it. Among those lessons - men will always underestimate women in battle, and humans can be crueler than any animal. Both applied today.

  Just days ago, I never thought I'd fear again. I thought my fear died with the Yellow Turbans. Yet when I see a great lizard turn its eyes on me, I know fear is exactly what I feel.





  The villagers had made taming beasts sound simple, but my first attempt was nearly my last. My prey was the same kind of two legged lizard as the raider's steed, what the villagers called a "raptor", but this one was strong. Even as my toxin laced arrows knocked him out, he was able to make one final lunge for my arm. He nearly took it.


  Together, Wuzhui and his five brothers are like a light cavalry unit, and I am their commander. Unfortunately, they are all I really have. I am not much of a craftsman, and have few possessions.


  Carefully, I fed him scraps of meat as he rested, and when he finally woke, I kept my weapon trained on him. Only when I was sure that he was docile did I notice his appearance - all black, save his white shins and feet. Right then, I named him Wuzhui, and while I do not believe in fate, I felt that this beast would carry me home.






  The defense went spectacularly. Like many tribes, The Red Hawks relied entirely on brute force. They thought only of charging in with their beasts and their guns, with no regard for their surroundings. They never expected a sortie, much less one that came from their exposed flank.










  I am armed and clothed now, though crudely. My stone spearhead makes me long for my village's weaponsmith, but it serves. I use it to hunt the slow, fat birds that wander the coast. I do not know how such creatures survive here at all, but I am grateful for the meat they provide.


  The footprints I found were not from one man, but three. Their eyes changed when they saw me, like wolves discovering a lamb. They were wrong. They were merely mutts. I was the wolf. Two died to arrows after ignoring my warnings. The last to my spear. I left their bodies out in the wild.

  The raptors are improving. They know to follow Wuzhui, and Wuzhui knows to listen to me. Beasts without riders cannot maintain a formation, but they at least run close together. In time, they have even learned how to attack and retreat at my signal during our hunts on the plains.





  方舟的独狼女王——李美盈(Li Mei Yin)的生存者笔记

  As the sun set, I happened upon a small village on a bluff. Unfortunately, it was besieged by a man who rode a lizard like a horse and wielded a stick that spat fire. It would have been safer to retreat, but I could not ignore the bodies. This was a slaughter.



  I have asked these questions many times since I awoke on this foreign shore, but I must stop. They do not matter. Their answers will not save me, so I will focus on a different question - how can I survive? This question always has an answer, though it is ever changing, and it has helped me find resolve in moments of uncertainty or fear.



  That night, I dreamt of the uprising, but this time I was Lieutenant Guan, lifting the siege on my village in a single, gallant charge. Yet when I woke, I was just Mei-Yin, and the villagers were gone. I am a stranger to them, but my heart feels heavier for their loss.



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