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《新共和》The Gentrification of the Barbershop 理发店的中产


Ⅷ①What can a man’s salon mean? ②They’re not signs of a disintegrating bygone culture of manhood. ③Rather, they signify a transformation of white, well-to-do masculinity. ④In the past, the barbershop was a place for these men. ⑤Today, while the old model may thrive in black or up-and-coming neighborhoods, white professional men are seeking a pampered experience elsewhere.


9. *unfetter ['n'fet] v. 解放

Ⅴ①In some white gentrifying neighborhoods, however, the barbershop is actually making a comeback. ②A Journalist writes that these new barbershops primarily act as places where men can channel a form of masculinity that supposedly existed unfettered in the “good old days.” ③Sensory pleasures are central to the experience: The smell of talcum powder, the cool burn of aftershave and the site of shaving mugs help men to grapple withwhat it means to be a man at a time when traditional definitions of masculinity are in flux.

(The Gentrification of the Barbershop. By Kristen Barber. Augest 9th, 2016. The New Republic.)

Ⅳ①At the same time barbershops are closing, men’s salons are popping up across the country. ②They cater tomen, providing them with high-endservices that include hot towel facials and hand-detailing. ③They’re more expensive than the average barbershop or chain store, have sleek contemporary decor and aren’t exactly conducive tohanging out and socializing.




Ⅵ①But these new, repackaged barbershops come at a cost, charging much more than the usual $12 for a haircut—a price point that will exclude a huge swath of male consumers.


Ⅱ①But numbers show that barbershops are dwindling. ②According to census data, from 1992 to 2012 we saw a 23 percent decrease in barbershops in the United States.



Ⅶ①And so, in a place that engages tensions between ideas of nostalgic masculinity and a new sort of progressive man, we may very well see opportunities for social equality fallby the wayside.②The hipster phenomenon, after all, is a largely white one that appropriates symbols of white working-class masculinity without really giving up class privilege.

Ⅳ①At the same time barbershops are closing, men’s salons are popping up across the country. ②They cater tomen, providing them with high-endservices that include hot towel facials and hand-detailing. ③They’re more expensive than the average barbershop or chain store, have sleek contemporary decor and aren’t exactly conducive tohanging out and socializing.

Ⅴ①In some white gentrifying neighborhoods, however, the barbershop is actually making a comeback. ②A Journalist writes that these new barbershops primarily act as places where men can channel a form of masculinity that supposedly existed unfettered in the “good old days.” ③Sensory pleasures are central to the experience: The smell of talcum powder, the cool burn of aftershave and the site of shaving mugs help men to grapple withwhat it means to be a man at a time when traditional definitions of masculinity are in flux.



Ⅱ①But numbers show that barbershops are dwindling. ②According to census data, from 1992 to 2012 we saw a 23 percent decrease in barbershops in the United States.

Ⅸ①And they’re creating intimate relationships in these new men’s salons. ②But instead of immersing themselves in single-sex communities of men, they’re often building one-on-one confidential relationships with women hair stylists. ③Stylists often explained this intimacy as part of their jobs. ④For white men with financial means, though, the men’s salon becomes an important place where they can purchase the sense of connection they may otherwise be missing in their lives.[482 words]



15. *nostalgic [n'stldk]adj. 怀旧的

16. fall by the wayside 半途而废

8. channel [tnl] v. 引导

3. high-end高档


Ⅴ段介绍新现象:中产阶级白人社区的理发店似乎在复苏。介词短语In some... 限定事件发生的地点,white gentrifying说明是中产阶级的白人社区,隐含之义是黑人社区并没有这种现象。②句援引一位记者的描述,指明其功能的变化:成为中产阶级怀旧的场所。③句用嗅觉、触觉、视觉等感官细节支持理发店已经变成重温男子气概的场所。这种体验的核心是sensory pleasures(感官愉悦)和Ⅲ段中理发店forming close relationships(建立亲密关系)的功能完全不同。

Ⅲ①Sociologists find barbershops fascinating because they’ve also traditionally been places where men spend time with other men, forming close relationships with one another in the absence of women. ②Many patrons will even stop by daily to simply chat with their barbers, discuss the news or play chess. ③A real community is created in these places, and community is important to health and well-being.

20. *bygone [bagn] adj. 过去的

7. *gentrify [dentrfa]v. 使中产阶级化



点评:Ⅵ段进一步说明这种重新包装的理发店的本质和过去不同。作者用 new, repackaged 修饰barbershops说明这些理发店虽然名称没变,但是内核已经变了。much more than the usual $12 for a haircut说明此处消费价格很高,不是普通的理发的场所。exclude a huge swath of male consumers和第三段的stop by daily形成鲜明的对比,越加显现其高冷气质。


点评:Ⅱ段并没有紧接上段揭示理发店的特殊地位(special place),而是先插入了理发店在美国的现状:数量逐渐减少。前两段接连扔出两大问题,逐渐蓄势,将读者胃口吊足。

翻译:而且他们在这些新的男士美发沙龙创建亲密关系。但是不是把自己沉浸在只有男性的单一性别群体中,而是经常和女性发型师建立一对一的信任关系。发型师常常解释说,这种亲密行为是工作的一部分。 不过,对于有钱的白人男性来说,男士美发沙龙成为一个重要的地方,在这里他们可以买到生活中或许失去的联系感。

Ⅶ①And so, in a place that engages tensions between ideas of nostalgic masculinity and a new sort of progressive man, we may very well see opportunities for social equality fallby the wayside.②The hipster phenomenon, after all, is a largely white one that appropriates symbols of white working-class masculinity without really giving up class privilege.

17. *hipster ['hpst] n. 嬉皮士

11. burn [b:n] n. 烧痕

点评:Ⅶ段深入解读理发店回归的社会意义:这种回归并非是社会平等的表现。①句中that引导的定语从句修饰a place, 说明这种理发店的服务内容是nostalgic masculinity,服务的对象是progressive man。 理发店的数量在不断减少,中产阶级投向高级沙龙,但是突然出现一股回流,似乎中产阶级也开始光顾理发店,这种回升之势表面上给人以社会平等的希望,但是深究之下才发现是中产阶级才能享受的场所,故使用fall by the wayside(to fail to continue半途而废)表现出希望升起——希望破灭的落差。②句用历史上嬉皮士运动类比这种表层草根,内核小资的理发店现象。the hipster phenomenon指美国上世纪60年代很多穿得像流浪汉,生活简朴的嬉皮士其实来自白人富裕家庭,他们并非抛弃了自己的阶级,只不过是暂时体验不一样的生活而已。这里讽刺仍旧在光顾理发店的中产阶级男性和过去的嬉皮士一样,并非真的放下阶级优越性,只是想要体验下层工人阶级(working-class)男子气概而已。

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