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Always keep your notes in the same place

One of the biggest struggles people have with note-taking is keeping their notes organized in a way that they can actually revisit in a valuable way later. This means that if your notes are all over the place or completely disorganized, you might as well not be taking them at all. Here are some of the best ways to keep your notes organized and to make the time you spend with them truly valuable for moving your career forward.

3.Organize your notes so you can revisit them later (and become amazing)


One-on-one meetings



1. 何时该记笔记






This is the most intensive form of note-taking, but it's incredibly effective. When you employ this strategy, take notes as if you are going to give them to someone who wasn't there in the meeting.


Meetings with your mentors or contacts


3. 整理笔记并重新查看(你就会发现奇妙之处)



How much more could you accomplish if you always had the right answer at your fingertips? Consistency is the key to success; the more small, good habits (like great note-taking) that you can develop, the more you'll be able to grow every single day. This week, try taking notes in every meeting and see if it makes it any easier to have good ideas fast or to get more done.

If you're a visual thinker, try a mind map. Start by writing the topic of the meeting at the center of the page. From there, draw branches out to every key topic discussed.


Keep the same format

1.Know when to take notes at work

Make a weekly appointment to go over your notes

There are no rules when it comes to how you take your notes. There's no proof that any style works any better than another style — the best kind of notes are the ones that will make sense to you later, whatever they look like.

2.Find a note-taking style you love

A trail of breadcrumbs

对于记笔记,并没有特定的规则。也没有任何说法证明哪种方法更有效 -- 最好的方法就是对你有用的方法,无论是什么方式。



2. 找到适合自己的记笔记方式



Taking notes is a really subtle, but powerful, way to make yourself more successful — but very few of us get any guidance on how to transition our note-taking style to work at work. That's why today I want to share with you a quick-start guide to taking amazing notes in your professional life.

Client meetings



This is the most traditional kind of note-taking. You start at the top of the page with the main meeting topic, and then continue your list down with sub-heads as other topics come up.

Not every situation at work calls for note-taking, but there are certainly times when I would highly recommend pulling out your pen and paper. In general, my advice is always to err on the side of taking notes and just decide later whether or not you need to keep them, but here are some of the key times when you'll want to jot some things down:

记笔记虽然是一件很细小的事情,但是作用非常大的工具,可以帮助你的事业更成功 -- 但是很少人获得把记笔记运用到工作中的指导。这也是今天笔者想要与大家分享的在职场中的快速记笔记的小秘诀。

Here are a few of the most popular note-taking styles that you can try out to find what works for you.

Mind maps

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