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  There's no such thing as free money. Enforcing an unrealistically high minimum wage will have an opposite effect.


  Joseph Young

  CoinBase 总裁:我们收购 Neutrino 是由于供应商当时正在出售用户数据

  The bitcoin SV Node Implementation Team, a branch of Craig Wright’s nChain, have remained steady in their unwavering commitment to Bitcoin SV (BSV). During their cooperation with Trail of Bits, the BSV team discovered three medium severity vulnerabilities in BSV. They believed it was inherited from Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCHABC) and the team has immediately sought to address them. The Bitcoin SV and the Bitcoin Association stated in a recent press release that the February 11, 2019 version 0.1.1 release of Bitcoin SV Node had fixed the three vulnerabilities found in the code. If left unchecked, the three weaknesses would allow malicious actors to overload the system with traffic by jamming the network and node processors with useless packets. The possible damage, however, would not harm businesses or users and would not result in them losing any funds or transactions. Having a slow and crippled network might not do much harm for BTC due to its inability to scale, neglecting this sensitive issue could still affect the adoption.

  由于供应商当时正在出售用户信息给第三方,美国交易所 CoinBase 作为少数几家躲过黑客攻击的交易所之一,收购了区块链智能公司 Neutrino。CoinBase 营销负责人 Christine Sandler 说, Neutrino 人才济济,他们的专业技术能够安全保管数据从而保护到客户。在最近几周,CoinBase 因收购了这家备有争议还太靠谱的智能公司而受到抨击, 因为这家公司的负责人曾是臭名昭著的米兰黑客小队的成员。

  They came because it offered better products that they couldn’t get anywhere else


  Big Four Auditor PwC Launches Solution for Blockchain Credentialing

  据彭博社 3 月 3 日报道,加密货币行业的公司仍然难以开设银行账户。报道援引加密货币贸易公司 Alameda Research 的 CEO  Sam Bankman-Fried 的话称,“‘去你们当地的 Chase 分行’这种标准答案对加密货币领域的公司来说是无法解决问题的。” Bankman-Fried 还补充说,,银行为加密货币业务提供服务并不违法,但“这是一个巨大的合规网页游戏私服推荐,银行不愿投入精力来解决这个问题。”彭博社还指出,虽然大银行避免为涉及加密货币的公司提供服务,但小银行正试图填补市场的这一不足。

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