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  "'The new-married couple spent their honey-moon in Augspurg, in mutual happiness and innocent enjoyments, like the first human pair in the garden of Eden,' the sentence goes."


  According to INSIDER, the word "honeymoon" became synonymous with a post-wedding vacation around 1791: "That usage first appears in a collection of German folk stories", according to the Oxford English dictionary.

  To this day, people fantasize about having a June wedding — but the fixation with that summer month dates back to the 15th century, and it also relates to smell. People used to take their annual baths in May, which made June the perfect time for a good-smelling public gathering.


  Actually, the reason June weddings are so popular is because people used to take their annual baths in May.


  maleficent [m'lfsnt]: adj. 有害的;做坏事的


  婚前单身派对(stag night)要追溯到公元前5世纪的古斯巴达。据《泰晤士报》介绍:“斯巴达战士会为即将结婚的朋友摆一桌宴席,变态网页游戏私服,并用斯巴达礼节代表新郎祝酒。在那之后,单身派对就变得越来越喧闹。”


  anti-climactic /,ntkla'mktk/: adj. 平淡;有虎头蛇尾之感

  Honeymoons used to be relatively anti-climactic, originating in 18th century Britain as trips the newlyweds would take after the wedding to visit relatives who weren't able to attend.


  Over time, the red went away, but veils remained a tactic used to shield the bride frommaleficent forces. They also were used to weigh the bride down, and prevent them from running away.


  The tradition of the father of the bride walking his daughter down the aisle to "give her away" roughly dates back to the 1549 Book of Common Prayer and the Church of England. It was more of a business transaction than anything else, as the "giving away" referred to a transfer of property.

  The more recent, wild iterations of bachelor parties gained popularity in the '80s, according to Time.





  Honeymoons originated as trips to go see the family that couldn't make it to the wedding.



  Veils used to be red so that the bride looked like she was on fire, which would scare maleficent spirits away.

  Back in Roman times, the bridal veil was actually a red sheet called a "flammeum," which was designed to look like fire. The bride's entire body would be covered in it, in an attempt to scare off any evil spirits.

  Bachelor parties date back to ancient Sparta, and they have gotten more raucous as the years have gone on.

  iterations /t're()n/ :迭代

  The tradition of a bachelor party, or "stag night," dates back to the 5th century BC in ancient Sparta. According to Time, "Spartan soldiers held a dinner in their friend's honor and made toasts on his behalf — with, one assumes, a Spartan sense ofdecorum. Since then, the events have generally grown more raucous."



  "In Britain, as in many places, women had long been considered essentially the property of men, first their fathers and then their husbands," according to Time.

  The father handing off the bride to her husband used to be more of a business transaction.


  decorum /dkrm/:端庄,得体,有礼

  Actually, the reason June weddings are so popular is because people used to take their annual baths in May.


  raucous /'rks/:无礼的;嘈杂的


  fixation :异常依恋;癖;固定


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