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婚前单身派对(stag night)要追溯到公元前5世纪的古斯巴达。据《泰晤士报》介绍:“斯巴达战士会为即将结婚的朋友摆一桌宴席,并用斯巴达礼节代表新郎祝酒。在那之后,单身派对就变得越来越喧闹。”

The tradition of a bachelor party, or "stag night," dates back to the 5th century BC in ancient Sparta. According to?Time, "Spartan soldiers held a dinner in their friend's honor and made toasts on his behalf — with, one assumes, a Spartan sense of decorum. Since then, the events have generally grown more raucous."


"In Britain, as in many places, women had long been considered essentially the property of men, first their fathers and then their husbands," according to?Time.

Honeymoons originated as trips to go see the family that couldn't make it to the wedding.



Romans used engagement rings to indicate ownership.

Bridesmaids originally dressed alike to confuse vengeful spirits from harming the bride.


It was also common practice for the best man to stand next to the groom with a sword in tow on the day of the wedding. In fact, ancient groups like the Huns, Goths, and Visigoths would store weapons in the floor of the church in the event of a brawl.

Carrying the bride across the threshold was symbolic of the bride unwillingly leaving her family.

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