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Iran nuclear negotiators hoping to seal deal by Friday

We are in the row of indications in Vienna, but nothing certain. On the upside I have just seen German foreign minister walking the front door there. And both French and British foreign minister have both said they will returning time for Thursday, so there is a movement at least. On the downside, there remain some ten critical differences divided around world powers. Two of them from the technical an ....So these some tough talking ahead, but a deal is durable by tomorrow night, which at least 3 first signing from Friday morning. In the last seven days we have seen two deadlines coming go. There were further delay. Perhaps it wouldn't be overly surprise.

The extended deadline came after missing two target dates in the latest round of roller-coaster talks. But it's believed the sides are now closer than they've ever been to a long-term deal. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed optimism on Wednesday, saying his government was already preparing its economy for the lifting of sanctions.

BEIJING, July 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Negotiations have continued behind the scenes to overcome the last remaining obstacles, with the main accord and five complicated annexes mostly already written. European ministers flew back to Vienna late Wednesday, aiming to put the pressure on Iran to end a stand-off over a deal. Iran and six world powers -- the US, China, France, Russia, the UK, and Germany -- have given themselves until Friday to reach an agreement.

Our correspondent Richard Bestic brings us the latest from Vienna.

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