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  If those people actively expressed their own needs and desires, Mary's withdrawal, in turn, suggested to them that she didn't care about them.

  Having established this basic pattern in a large-scale study, the authors next took advantage of the more in-depth understanding provided by a case study approach, using a single participant to provide all the data.



  To sum up, this research shows how your own hot buttons might be causing the very relationship problems you dread.

  She described whom the interaction was with, and then rated the other person on a grid containing the two axes of dominant to submissive, and cold to warm.


  Mary used the smartphone app to rate her interactions lasting at least five minutes, at least three times a day, for seven days.





  Their participant, "Mary", was a young Latina college student who had scored high on rejection sensitivity, but didn't show any signs of personality pathology.


  From the in-depth analysis that Meehan and his colleagues provided of Mary's experiential ratings, it was clear that with the people she cared about, her rejection sensitivity led her to be unable to express her own needs and desires.

  She also rated herself on that exact same grid. The authors then divided up the 28 events she recorded on the basis of who Mary was interacting with at the moment of her ratings and whether these people were close to her or not.

  People high in rejection sensitivity presented themselves as cold and submissive and reticent toward approaching others, even if that person was acting warmly.



  Whether you feel threatened by rejection or by other negative consequences in your relationships, knowing that your perceptions may be distorted by your fears can help you overcome these important obstacles to your fulfillment.

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