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Losing your sex drive? This could be the reason!

All these factors are responsible for the loss of libido in women and men.

There are a number of reasons for loss of libido among females. Dr Anubha Singh, gynecologist and IVF specialist from Shantah IVF Centre said that 'during pregnancy and lactation, it is not only the hormonal changes that can cause lack of libido. It is goaded by tiredness, low self esteem due to weight gain and compounded by psychological factors too.'

The levels of the female hormone, estrogen, begin to fall in their blood which can affect libido and the loss of interest in sex.

'The treatment, therefore, depends on identifying the problem and treating it first.

'If the patient suffers any medical disorder such as diabetes or blood pressure it should be treated first. 'If the cause is medication, it would need to be changed,' said Dr Shweta Goswami, gynecologist and IVF specialist from Jaypee Hospital, Noida.

Go for Testosterone replacement therapy (after consulting your doctor).

It's a serious illness where you may have feelings of extreme sadness that can last for a long time.

Hormonal change, diabetes, injury in the back after delivery, chronic illness like cancer, etc. can reduce the sperm production count.

They include depression, stress, and problems in your relationship.

These feelings are severe enough to interfere with your daily life, including your sex life.

'Unfortunately, there is no simple pill that women or men can just have, forget about their problems and get to their normal sex life.

The following have the potential to increase your libido:

Photograph: A still from 50 Shades of Grey. Used for representational purpose only.

Practice stress management.

Certain medications can sometimes reduce libido in men, like medication for high blood pressure may prevent ejaculation, or anti-androgenic drugs such as cimetidine, finasteride and cyproterone, which block the effects or reduce the production of testosterone.

Live a healthier lifestyle.

You can also take steps to boost your libido on your own.

These tips may come handy. 

What causes the loss of libido:

Get enough sleep.


Decreasing testosterone is a normal part of aging. However, a drastic drop in testosterone can lead to decreased libido.

Reduce alcohol intake.

Psychological issues

Physical issues


It normally happens with the women when they attain Perimenopausal age. A woman experiences mood swings, vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse during the perimenopausal phase.

Loss of libido(sex drive) is a common problem that can affect men and women of any age. It is normal for many people, especially women, to lose sex drive after a certain age.

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